Bromelain proven to digest away the S-Protein |
Many people have been discussing about detoxing remedies,
in the wake of the toxicity of molecularly engineered Spike Protein
hovering around the last few years.
However, many of the remedies, though recommeneded reputated sources,
may not be totally effective, due to the evolving context in the last few years.
Before considering any detoxing remedies,
1. We must first, discern between SARS-CoV2 viral infection
vs Spike protein intoxication fr vaccination
2. Also, we need to discern between the primary effect and secondary effect
from a specific detoxing remedy of interest.
3. Furthermore, we have to discern between the mechanism of primary effects
whether it removes the spike proteins or it simply blocks/neutralise the spike proteins.
If we don't understand the above 3 essential points
we will be happily taking remedies but still end up unwell.
A lot of remedies recommended including some from FLCCC and WCH
were to resolve SARS-Cov2 virus problem mainly.
They don't quite specifically target spike protein intoxication
or vaccine intoxication.
A remedy that prevents propagation of virus or viral entering human cells,
don't fully protect us fr spike protein intoxication.
For instance, shikimic acid may kill a virus, or block virus entering our cell,
but it will fail to curb the HIV fragment
of the engineered spike protein that lowers one's immunity.
What we truly need now are remedies that target spike protein,
not a living SARS-Cov2 virus
(which has already evolved to tame down,
or may even have lost the engineered fragments).
If a remedy truly does target the Spike Protein,
then we need to understand whether
it remediates the primary or secondary effect from Spike Protein.
Many of the herbals/supplements out there,
simply reduce inflammation caused by Spike Protein only.
Eg Antioxidant pills. It reverses inflammation after spike protein causes the inflammation.
But the remedy doesn't act directly on the spike protein
to prevent it from initiating an inflammation from the beginning.
This idea is especially crucial because we can never keep up with
the ever continuing inflammation
caused by an active Spike Protein staying inside our body.
Some remedies even it works directly on Spike Protein,
their mechanisms don't resolve the situation in-depth.
For example, dark tea or even ivermectin,
they work directly on the Spike Protein by blocking or neutralising the Spike Protein,
but they don't destroy the Spike Protein.
Over time, when dark tea components and ivermectin naturally degrade,
the spike protein is again released to do all its nasty work.
Therefore, we need to specifically look for remedies that
. Target spike protein not the virus
. Resolve the primary effect of spike protein, not the secondary effect
. Destroy the spike protein not only neutralising it.
So far, it's suggested by Dr Peter McCollough,
that supplement form of high dose
Bromelain and Nattokinase (non food form)
can eventually allow significant amount of the enzymes
to enter blood stream to directly destroy and digest away Spike Protein.
This is noteworthy especially many people may want to resort to food sources of
Bromelain and Nattokinase (ie Pineapple and Natto)
But, when Bromelain and Nattokinase are taken in food forms,
. They work as food digestive enzyme and
get exhausted in the gut before entering blood stream
. There may not be sufficient dosage to enter blood stream
to digest away the Spike Proteins inside the blood.
Despite the highlights on Bromelain and Nattokinase,
all other natural remedies
(eg black tea, ginger, pine needles, Zinc, VitD etc) are still valuable,
because they at least help buy time and prevent the situation worsening.
Just that we must combine with remedies that
digest away the spike protein our body,
otherwise ultimately we will still lose the battle despite extra time we buy.
To understand better why we must detox away the Spike Protein,
let us see how
the engineered Spike protein bring these 3 major damages:
A. Inflammation
the inflammation caused by spike protein
is not limited to any tissue and organ of the body.
If the inflammation is triggered in critical organs like brain and heart,
the consequences could be acute and there would be little time to respond.
Buy time remedies:
all kind of antioxidants supplements and herbs, including Vit C, VitE, fruit blend etc
Root targeting remedy:
Bromelain and Nattokinase
B. Immunity lowering (due to HIV insert)
the immunity lowering effects of the Spike Protein have now known to cause
Shingles, Turbo-Cancer (uncurbed dramatic tumour progress) and Tuberculosis etc.
The detrimentation from the immunity suppression
could be daunting financially, emotionally and physically.
Buy time remedies:
all sorts of natural herbs including black tea , turmeric, VitD
Root targeting remedy:
Bromelain and Nattokinase
C. Blood precipitation/coagulation (due to Prion insert)
this is the longest lasting effect of the spike protein,
in which the spike protein could virtually "grow" in our body.
This is also the very reason why non-jabbed individuals
are also susceptible to eventual death,
by just breathing in Spike Proteins from vaccinated individuals.
Theoretically, when one molecule of non-living Spike Protein,
enter our body, it would "teach" some of our native good protein to misfold.
the misfolding of good proteins will "resonate" with the Spike Protein
and further influence other good proteins to misfold.
As more misfold proteins meet up,
they would also crosslink (amyloidal effect) and precipitates.
If this happens in the brain, it clogs the brain,
if it happens in the blood stream, it clogs the arteries.
The final episode would be fatality.
Buy time remedies:
anti-coagulant herbals and supplements eg shikimic acids, pine needle tea, anistar,
Root targeting remedy:
Bromelain and Nattokinase
Noteworthy to mention:
A lot of non-jabbed individuals are very self contented,
not knowing they are on slow die formula like any jabbed individuals,
if they are not willing to take bromelain or nattokinase.
Non-jabbed individuals are constantly breathing in
spike proteins shedded from mRNA jabbed individuals.
The effect on non-jabbed individuals will show up very late
as dosage is low, compared to Sinovac jabbers.
Sinovac jabbers will show up the effect later than mRNA jabbers,
as the dosage lower than mRNA jabbers.
Basically, we are all pots calling the kettle black.
We just get the intoxication at different speed.
as the real problem is actually the vaccine,
bromelain and Nattokinase are also not enough,
simply because despite the spike protein being the major toxins,
there are also many other "auxiliary" toxins in the vial.
eg Graphene Oxide, Nano-tised Heavy metals and other Chemicals.
To address the other toxins in the vaccine:
All sorts of supplements and herbals
that improve liver detox function are important.
Eg curcumin , organosulphur supplements
(eg MSM, spirulina, bamboo salt, milk thistle, Alpha Lipoic Acid, etc.)
To improve the dynamism of our bodily detoxing function,
Probiotics and fermented food (miso, natto, tempeh, dark tea)
are also recommended.
-- Note that the natto here doesn't digest away spike protein,
but will improve overall bodily life force.
Pardon the lengthy article, but I do my best
to help analyse the situation to prevent futile supplements popping,
and anchoring on fake hopes.
To offer bit of confidence to the write up above,
I am a former biotechologist with 11yrs molecular genetics experience
in cancer and stem research laboratories.
Most importantly I am now a freelance vegan nutrition teacher
with no string attached to government and private pharmaceutical companies.