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Avocado Alfalfa Sandwich, filled with life force, but siimple to prepare |
-- this breakfast will look like a no-brainer,
because it requires no seasoning,
no prior preparation
no cooking
no waiting
... no more excuse :D
-- it's my all time favourite
(it serves well as a quicky lunch at work too!)
Avocado Alfalfa Sandwich
. 1 Fully ripened Avocado*
. 2 handful alfalfa sprouts**
. 4 slices of wholemeal bread
-- scoop flesh out of a half avocado using a tablespoon and generously lay the flesh on the wholemeal bread (without mashing), top with a handful of alfalfa sprouts, and sandwich with another slice of whole meal bread, serve fresh!
* see this post to learn how to choose a perfect avocado
** fresh alfalfa sprouts is available in many supermarkets nowadays. Please make sure it's rinsed a few times before serving raw, even though it looks clean.
Does it taste good without mayo, jam, seasoning etc....??
Absolutely YES! This recipe has been trialed in many of my cooking classes, among my friends and colleagues for a decade.. It's given the seal of proof by many people :P
Hope this series of simple breaky tips will change your view about healthy diet
and renew your confidence in preparing simple healthy breakfast that is most important for the day :)
For simplicity, I didn't elaborate on the nutritional values for the 3 recipes,
but in the past series, I have explained in details why it's important to incorporate substantial
in our diet,
as they are the sources of life force.
In the morning, when we wake up,
the environment is still cold and Yin,
it's important to take breakfast with predominantly Yang properties
(ie high in life force).
A lot people are very enticed to take, in the morning,
fruit juices, fruits, salad
which are substantially Yin.
If the raw breakfast is not properly balanced with Yang elements,
there may be some long term side effects...
This will lead to another topic
which I will be explaining in the next series of posts
"The Yin and Yang of food"
Many blessings,
Kee Yew
#avocado alfalfa sprout sandwich
{Learning Holistic Wellness for Wisdom and Compassion}
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