Thursday, March 6, 2025

The ABC of Immunology (6)

Shared identical epitope between
Ankyrin 1 and Spike Protein
Our Natural Immunity is a dynamic system 
that constantly shuffle genes and memorize.

This is how our immune system is able 
to handle external pathogens of zillion possibilities.

But there are situations our immunity 
may not be able to perform well, generally due to:

. Poor Nourishment 
. Low Life Force/Metabolism
. External Interference/Toxins
. Irregular Lifestyle 

In some worse situations, 
our immunity could even be "hijacked" 
usuallly due to intravenous introduction of foreign substances (e.g. vaccines),
or manipulation of T-cells by pathogens and cancer cells.
One of many notorious examples of 
vaccine-induced "immunity hijack" is 
Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (AIHA) 
caused by Covid19 vaccine.

The Covid19 contains spike protein that 
harbour a fragment of human red blood cell membrane protein ANK-1,

Similar tragedy also happened with Kenya where
hCG protein was conjugated to Tetanus vaccine 
which is natural protein for fertility.
Medical technology has advanced so much that
commoners have no means to verify/identify the content
of new medicines which may haywire their immunity.

Given the corrupt medical system,
there more we have to rely on our own diligence
to garner better life force, better nourishment in our diet
in order to improve our natural immunity.

Given the collapsed integrity of authorities,
the more we have to refuse the intravenous administration 
of allopathic reagents, especially vaccines,
to avoid immunity hijack.

In the next post, 
we will discuss about immunity manipulation by cancer cells.
From there, we will know 
immunity boosting may not be the right direction for cancer healing!

eat well and live well
so that we have strong natural immunity
as our bargaining capital to reject any intravenous intervention.  

By good will,
Kee Yew

{Learning Holistic Wellness for Wisdom and Compassion}

Thursday, February 20, 2025

The ABC of Immunology (5)

Very rarely,
The Sun and The Moon
influence our immunity 

people realise that our immunity 
is closely tied to 
the day and night!

In other words,
if we do not follow 
the law of the Sun and the Moon, 
very likely we will have compromised immunity.

Mainly, it's due to 
the unTIMEly rest and stress.

(a) Untimely Rest 

This refers to 
sleeping/resting too much 
during the day or 
waking up too late 
in the morning (1hr after sunrise). 

During day time, 
our body is designed to operate mainly 
in sympathetic nervous mode
when Th2 Immunity (or Extracellular Immunity) predominates. 

When we sleep/rest too much during the day, 
our body switches to parasympathetic nervous mode too frequently, 
rendering the extracellular  defence compromised 
(due low immuno metabolism).
We will then tend to get immuno-suppressive type of diseases.

(b) Untimely Stress

This refers to 
working very hard after sundown, 
sleeping late, 
stress-induced poor quality sleep/insomnia.

After sundown, 
our body goes into parasympathetic nervous mode 
to activate Th1 immunity (intracellular immunity). 

If we engage with work stress 
or physical stress (including rigorous exercise)
during evening time, 
our body will switch back 
to sympathetic nervous mode,
compromising Th1 immunity
which is important to fight
viral, parasitic infection and cancers.

When Th1 dominates the day time 
(while it should have been Th2 by default), 
due to resting too much,
one tends to get immune disorders like:
Multiple Sceloris
Rheumatoid Arthritis 
Irritable Bowel Disease

When Th2 dominates the night time 
(while it should have been Th1 by default), 
due stress after sundown/overnight
one tends to get immune disorders like:
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 

in order to have a healthy immune system,
other than diet,
we also ought to watch over our lifestyle.

Work-Life balance 
ensuring we don't work after sundown
can help us wade off or recover from viral infection and cancers.

Keeping ourselves aspired and motivated
will reduce the chance of 
over-relaxation during the day,
and reduce chance of organ-specific autoimmune disorders.

Yet in another post to come, we will discuss how immunity sometimes can be hijacked leading to life risking tragedy.

let's learn to live by the Rhythm of 
the Sun and the Moon.

Well wishes,
Kee Yew

#immunology #Th1 #Th2 #cancer #autoimmunity

{Learning Holistic Wellness for Wisdom and Compassion}

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

The ABC of Immunology (4)

We have been discussing 
how strong and intelligent 
Microplastic in food chain compromising immunity 
our natural immunity is 
have learnt the natural way 
to facilitate our natural immunity.

However, there are situations 
where our intact natural immunity 
could be compromised by toxins or external interference.

These toxins or external interference 
comes in all forms, 
from pesticides to environmental pollutants,
to heavy metals to pharmaceutical drugs, 
to hormones to intravenous xenobiotics(eg vaccine).

When interference enter our body,
our immune system can be 
. blocked/suppressed from their usual response 
e.g. steroid

. aggravated beyond their usual behavior

. misled to behave absnormally

.  prone to cancer growth

in order to minimise external toxins
entering our body,
we have to 

1. avoid chemicals/additives, especially those in manufactured/processed foods, skincare, clothing and household items 

2. scrutinize if our foods are grown/raised with pesticides and hormones

3. refuse intravenous allopathic intervention (especially hormones, stem cells, vaccines)

4. live/work in area with the least pollution possible (including EMF pollution)

Other than external interference,
our immune system can also be compromised by a hay-wired lifestyle.

This, we will discuss in detail in the next post.

May all be well,
Kee Yew

#immunology #additives #pollution #toxins

{Learning Holistic Wellness for Wisdom and Compassion}

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The ABC of Immunology (3)

The critical question:
Natural Immunity is the strongest solution

IF our natural immunity is so powerful 
that it fights every pathogen on Earth,
WHY do people get sick or even die from a disease?

First, we have to discern that our natural immunity 
is a system designed to be dynamic, 
capable of training and memory functions,
in order to handle unpredictable number of pathogens. 
This is why it's successful to help humanity pull through all pandemics
-- we need a fluidic, dynamic, flexible solution to tackle 
highly variable and mutative pathogens (which are like moving targets)

In contrary, allopathic drugs and vaccines have locked in on specific targets.
By luck, the drugs and vaccines would work, 
but they will always work for a short period of time,
until the pathogens evolve through constant mutations.
-- this type of remedial strategy is likened 
using a uni-directional cannon to shoot a flying plane. 

Second, although our natural immunity 
has a wise design to handle moving targets,
this system will not work 
if our nourishment and life force are deficient.

When we are poorly nourished, 
we would not have enough building materials
to build antibodies, 
to make immuno hormones
to expand white blood cells etc

When we are lack of life force,
our metabolism will drop,
hence the efficiency of our immune system will be slow,
our immunity will take a longer time 
to respond and to make large permutation of antibodies etc

Our natural immunity is a system or strategy intelligently laid out,
but when building material and energy supply are lagging,
the system will not be able to perform properly.

Therefore, instead of doubting our natural immunity
we should understand that our immunity fails 
(or responds slower than the pathogens' speed of invasion),
because there is a lacking of proper nutrition 
or our body are low in energy/metabolism.

How to be nourished properly and to keep up with peak metabolism 
are topics too big, out of the scope of this series of posts.

But here are some simple tips 
to ensure we get proper nourishment and life force:

a. Home cooked food
b. Wholesome food (not refined, not preocessed, not manufactured)
c. Plant based food
d. Organic food 
c. Biogenic food (Sprouted or Fermented)

Home cooked food

Wholesome food

Plant based food

Organic food

Biogenic food -- Sprouted

Biogenic food -- Fermented

In other words, in case we are sick,
instead of turning into pharmaceutical quickfix,
try the above 5 tips, 
to facilitate our natural immunity to work efficiently.

Next post, we will discuss about situations where our natural immunity gets interfered/misguided and hence unable to perform properly.

Till then, keep well with good nourishment ^^

May all be healthy,
Kee Yew


{Learning Holistic Wellness for Wisdom and Compassion}

Monday, February 17, 2025

The ABC of Immunology (2)

Often times we heard biased narratives like
Immuno Genes Clusters & DNA Shufflings

our natural immune system may not be able 
to tackle a certain new strain of pathogen,
hence we need help from
allopathic drugs or vaccines.

While it holds true to minimal extent that
we may fail to defend from an infection
hence causing some suffering and distress,
our body usually overcomes the infection  
over certain time frame.

In any infection, 
our natural immunity is the only solution we can rely on.
All other methodologies or healing modalities are
there to only support our natural immunity.

Unfortunately, we have been biasedly guided
by the media and politicians with vested interest, 
to interfere our natural immunity
with clinically unproven pharmaceutical drugs (eg Remdesivir) and vaccines (eg Pfizer Biontech)
that eventually impair our natural immunity and bodily functions.

The reason why our natural immunity is the only solution 
is because it is already the best solution.

In the biological world we are living in 
pathogens come in shapes and sizes.
The number of the types of strains and species of pathogens 
is countless.
This is worsened by the constant mutation of the pathogens.

By using allopathic drugs and vaccines, 
it will always be limited in their targeting range.
The pathogenic reference used for making a vaccine is only one type,
while the types of pathogens out there are astronomical in number.

This is why allopathic drugs and vaccines 
are always predestined to fail.

In contrary, while natural immunity 
may take some time to build up,
it will always succeed.

Here is the reason:
almost never in mainstream narrative,
we are revealed of the basic immunological fact of
immuno DNA shuffling/genetic recombination.

In order to find the right antibody 
specific to any incoming pathogen at any time,
our antibody-making gene region,
constantly undergoes hypermutation and recombinatorial events 
to keep up with unknown pathogen 
by the ramping up the antibody permutations diligently.
Our natural immunity is basically dynamic,
that's why it will always win eventually.

The following turorial video will help visualise the dynamism of immuno DNA shuffling
and will awe ourselves how magnificent our natural immunity to begin with:

A critical question now arise:

-- IF natural immunity is so invincilble and eventually always win,
WHY people still get sick ov even die from an infection?

We will explain about this on the next post.

Meanwhile, we reflect inwards,
thankfully embrace our body,
say sorry to our defence system for not trusting them watching over us all the time,
ask for forgiveness from our white blood cells and antibodies,
and quietly whisper I LOVE YOU, NATURAL IMMUNITY!

Kee Yew

#immunology #geneshuffling

{Learning Holistic Wellness for Wisdom and Compassion}

Sunday, February 16, 2025

The ABC of Immunology (1)

We are living in a very information explosive era
where every piece of information
is diced and minced
to the extent we lose the holistic view.

Many a time it's exactly this manner
how information is presented to us in narrow perspectives
that has lead us to misunderstand the context
hence making the inappropriate judgements and decisions. 

Our immune system is one the victims.

During the Covid scam period,
we have all been "educated" by politicians and media
that our immunity was not able to handle the new strain cold virus.
but no substantiation was given at all. 

In fact they could not provide evidences, 
because by fundamental immunology, 
they are contradictive.

During the course of a pathogen (eg virus, bacteria, fungi, parasites)
making a host (patient) sick,
there are a myriad of factors involved

From the perspective of :

(I) Pathogen

- the virulence of the pathogen (how aggresive the pathogen is)
- dosage of exposure (how much pathogen particles went into our body)
- frequency of expsoure (how quickly we get more pathogen in again)

(II) Targeted Host

- immunity strength (which is highly related to nourishment and metabolism)
- immunity memory (did the host get infected by the same pathogen or its relatives before)

Any of the above factors, 
going against the favour of the pathogen
will totally fail or reduce the severity of the infection.

Therefore, the narrative that once the flu season is in, 
we may all die from the flu, 
unless we all get vaccinated 
is very biased.

That is because the narrative  
totally discounts these factors:

- the virulence of the flu strain which is unknown
- one may not get enough dosage to get infected if they are not in crowded places (eg shopping centres)
- one may not get severe infection if one reduce frequency of visiting crowded places
- one's immunity is strong
- one actually got infected by similar strains and have already gained immunological memory

The politicians and media, 
in order to achieve their vested interest, 
always focus on:

i. worst case scenario 
(presuming all people are immunity impaired, 
exposed intensively to most virulent pathogen in human history)

ii. ignoring the probability of such a worst case scenario (which is extremely low)

iii. refrain to reveal easy ways out to avoid the worst case scenario
(eg. going out to spacious natural space often, gardening under gentle sun, eat more home-cooked food) 

Below, I summarise in tabulation, the pathogenesis (how we get sick) and suggestions on
how we can easily maneuver from dying from, or severely infected by any kind of pathogen

we can do any of the above in combination to highly reduce the chance of being sick.

Next post, we will discuss on how our natural immunity, without allopathic intervention, fights so many diseases so successfully.

Many blessings,
Kee Yew

#immunology #pathogenesis

{Learning Holistic Wellness for Wisdom and Compassion}
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