Holistic Practice

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The ABC of Immunology (3)

The critical question:
Natural Immunity is the strongest solution

IF our natural immunity is so powerful 
that it fights every pathogen on Earth,
WHY do people get sick or even die from a disease?

First, we have to discern that our natural immunity 
is a system designed to be dynamic, 
capable of training and memory functions,
in order to handle unpredictable number of pathogens. 
This is why it's successful to help humanity pull through all pandemics
-- we need a fluidic, dynamic, flexible solution to tackle 
highly variable and mutative pathogens (which are like moving targets)

In contrary, allopathic drugs and vaccines have locked in on specific targets.
By luck, the drugs and vaccines would work, 
but they will always work for a short period of time,
until the pathogens evolve through constant mutations.
-- this type of remedial strategy is likened 
using a uni-directional cannon to shoot a flying plane. 

Second, although our natural immunity 
has a wise design to handle moving targets,
this system will not work 
if our nourishment and life force are deficient.

When we are poorly nourished, 
we would not have enough building materials
to build antibodies, 
to make immuno hormones
to expand white blood cells etc

When we are lack of life force,
our metabolism will drop,
hence the efficiency of our immune system will be slow,
our immunity will take a longer time 
to respond and to make large permutation of antibodies etc

Our natural immunity is a system or strategy intelligently laid out,
but when building material and energy supply are lagging,
the system will not be able to perform properly.

Therefore, instead of doubting our natural immunity
we should understand that our immunity fails 
(or responds slower than the pathogens' speed of invasion),
because there is a lacking of proper nutrition 
or our body are low in energy/metabolism.

How to be nourished properly and to keep up with peak metabolism 
are topics too big, out of the scope of this series of posts.

But here are some simple tips 
to ensure we get proper nourishment and life force:

a. Home cooked food
b. Wholesome food (not refined, not preocessed, not manufactured)
c. Plant based food
d. Organic food 
c. Biogenic food (Sprouted or Fermented)

Home cooked food

Wholesome food

Plant based food

Organic food

Biogenic food -- Sprouted

Biogenic food -- Fermented

In other words, in case we are sick,
instead of turning into pharmaceutical quickfix,
try the above 5 tips, 
to facilitate our natural immunity to work efficiently.

Next post, we will discuss about situations where our natural immunity gets interfered/misguided and hence unable to perform properly.

Till then, keep well with good nourishment ^^

May all be healthy,
Kee Yew


{Learning Holistic Wellness for Wisdom and Compassion}

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