Holistic Practice

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

The ABC of Immunology (4)

We have been discussing 
how strong and intelligent 
Microplastic in food chain compromising immunity 
our natural immunity is 
have learnt the natural way 
to facilitate our natural immunity.

However, there are situations 
where our intact natural immunity 
could be compromised by toxins or external interference.

These toxins or external interference 
comes in all forms, 
from pesticides to environmental pollutants,
to heavy metals to pharmaceutical drugs, 
to hormones to intravenous xenobiotics(eg vaccine).

When interference enter our body,
our immune system can be 
. blocked/suppressed from their usual response 
e.g. steroid

. aggravated beyond their usual behavior

. misled to behave absnormally

.  prone to cancer growth

in order to minimise external toxins
entering our body,
we have to 

1. avoid chemicals/additives, especially those in manufactured/processed foods, skincare, clothing and household items 

2. scrutinize if our foods are grown/raised with pesticides and hormones

3. refuse intravenous allopathic intervention (especially hormones, stem cells, vaccines)

4. live/work in area with the least pollution possible (including EMF pollution)

Other than external interference,
our immune system can also be compromised by a hay-wired lifestyle.

This, we will discuss in detail in the next post.

May all be well,
Kee Yew

#immunology #additives #pollution #toxins

{Learning Holistic Wellness for Wisdom and Compassion}

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