Holistic Practice

Monday, February 17, 2025

The ABC of Immunology (2)

Often times we heard biased narratives like
Immuno Genes Clusters & DNA Shufflings

our natural immune system may not be able 
to tackle a certain new strain of pathogen,
hence we need help from
allopathic drugs or vaccines.

While it holds true to minimal extent that
we may fail to defend from an infection
hence causing some suffering and distress,
our body usually overcomes the infection  
over certain time frame.

In any infection, 
our natural immunity is the only solution we can rely on.
All other methodologies or healing modalities are
there to only support our natural immunity.

Unfortunately, we have been biasedly guided
by the media and politicians with vested interest, 
to interfere our natural immunity
with clinically unproven pharmaceutical drugs (eg Remdesivir) and vaccines (eg Pfizer Biontech)
that eventually impair our natural immunity and bodily functions.

The reason why our natural immunity is the only solution 
is because it is already the best solution.

In the biological world we are living in 
pathogens come in shapes and sizes.
The number of the types of strains and species of pathogens 
is countless.
This is worsened by the constant mutation of the pathogens.

By using allopathic drugs and vaccines, 
it will always be limited in their targeting range.
The pathogenic reference used for making a vaccine is only one type,
while the types of pathogens out there are astronomical in number.

This is why allopathic drugs and vaccines 
are always predestined to fail.

In contrary, while natural immunity 
may take some time to build up,
it will always succeed.

Here is the reason:
almost never in mainstream narrative,
we are revealed of the basic immunological fact of
immuno DNA shuffling/genetic recombination.

In order to find the right antibody 
specific to any incoming pathogen at any time,
our antibody-making gene region,
constantly undergoes hypermutation and recombinatorial events 
to keep up with unknown pathogen 
by the ramping up the antibody permutations diligently.
Our natural immunity is basically dynamic,
that's why it will always win eventually.

The following turorial video will help visualise the dynamism of immuno DNA shuffling
and will awe ourselves how magnificent our natural immunity to begin with:

A critical question now arise:

-- IF natural immunity is so invincilble and eventually always win,
WHY people still get sick ov even die from an infection?

We will explain about this on the next post.

Meanwhile, we reflect inwards,
thankfully embrace our body,
say sorry to our defence system for not trusting them watching over us all the time,
ask for forgiveness from our white blood cells and antibodies,
and quietly whisper I LOVE YOU, NATURAL IMMUNITY!

Kee Yew

#immunology #geneshuffling

{Learning Holistic Wellness for Wisdom and Compassion}

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