Holistic Practice

Sunday, February 16, 2025

The ABC of Immunology (1)

We are living in a very information explosive era
where every piece of information
is diced and minced
to the extent we lose the holistic view.

Many a time it's exactly this manner
how information is presented to us in narrow perspectives
that has lead us to misunderstand the context
hence making the inappropriate judgements and decisions. 

Our immune system is one the victims.

During the Covid scam period,
we have all been "educated" by politicians and media
that our immunity was not able to handle the new strain cold virus.
but no substantiation was given at all. 

In fact they could not provide evidences, 
because by fundamental immunology, 
they are contradictive.

During the course of a pathogen (eg virus, bacteria, fungi, parasites)
making a host (patient) sick,
there are a myriad of factors involved

From the perspective of :

(I) Pathogen

- the virulence of the pathogen (how aggresive the pathogen is)
- dosage of exposure (how much pathogen particles went into our body)
- frequency of expsoure (how quickly we get more pathogen in again)

(II) Targeted Host

- immunity strength (which is highly related to nourishment and metabolism)
- immunity memory (did the host get infected by the same pathogen or its relatives before)

Any of the above factors, 
going against the favour of the pathogen
will totally fail or reduce the severity of the infection.

Therefore, the narrative that once the flu season is in, 
we may all die from the flu, 
unless we all get vaccinated 
is very biased.

That is because the narrative  
totally discounts these factors:

- the virulence of the flu strain which is unknown
- one may not get enough dosage to get infected if they are not in crowded places (eg shopping centres)
- one may not get severe infection if one reduce frequency of visiting crowded places
- one's immunity is strong
- one actually got infected by similar strains and have already gained immunological memory

The politicians and media, 
in order to achieve their vested interest, 
always focus on:

i. worst case scenario 
(presuming all people are immunity impaired, 
exposed intensively to most virulent pathogen in human history)

ii. ignoring the probability of such a worst case scenario (which is extremely low)

iii. refrain to reveal easy ways out to avoid the worst case scenario
(eg. going out to spacious natural space often, gardening under gentle sun, eat more home-cooked food) 

Below, I summarise in tabulation, the pathogenesis (how we get sick) and suggestions on
how we can easily maneuver from dying from, or severely infected by any kind of pathogen

we can do any of the above in combination to highly reduce the chance of being sick.

Next post, we will discuss on how our natural immunity, without allopathic intervention, fights so many diseases so successfully.

Many blessings,
Kee Yew

#immunology #pathogenesis

{Learning Holistic Wellness for Wisdom and Compassion}

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