Holistic Practice

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Pitfalls in Vegetarian Nutrition (4) – Vitamin B12

Miso although is rich in Vit B Complex
doesnot warranty Vit B12
often face a challenge, in term of nutrition, 
when it comes to the awareness of 
Vitamin B12 deficiency and misinformation. 

Vitamin B12 is an unique nutrient which 
can regulate metabolism and assist in energy release. 

From the perspective of physiology, 
it plays multiple important roles in 
blooding forming, 
anabolism of muscle proteins, as well as 
maintenance of nervous system. 

Hence, lacking of Vitamin B12 will lead to 
anemia, skinny physique and irreversible nervous system damage. 

Bacteria is the only source of VitaminB12. 
Animals and plants simply cannot produce B12. 

However, a lot of vegetarians would insist 
in looking out for a plant-based Vitamin B12. 

Consequently, they often fall into the trap of 
mistaking non-active Vitamin B12 analogue from algae 
being a form of plant based B12! 

Algae do consist of Vitamin B complex, 
but scientists have since long ago confirmed, 
human-active Vitamin B12 is not available in algae. 

Due to misinformation, 
many vegetarians who consume algae for long term, 
hoping to get Vitamin B12, 
will slowly and unconsciously experience 
degenerative nervous diseases. 

Some vegetarians are also mistaken that 
fermented food which contains a lot of good bacteria, 
as sources of Vitamin B12. 

They do not understand that, 
although Vitamin B12 is produced by bacteria, 
the production of B12 depends on conditions, like 
. the type of bacteria, 
. temperature, 
. light intensity, and
. availability of Chromium. 

there is no guarantee that those fermented products 
contain Vitamin B12. 

If one insists in presuming 
yoghurt, miso, Rejuvelac and other fermented foods 
contains Vitamin B12, 
there is possibility that one may become 
Vitamin B12 deficient in long term. 

Meat contains Vitamin B12, 
because of contamination by bacteria, 
and the residual Vitamin B12 in the animal bloods. 
However, meat is not an ideal source of Vitamin B12, 
as meat consumption will bring about a lot of toxins. 

The International Vegetarian Union (IVU), 
suggests that vegetarians may continue to 
consume algae and fermented food. 
After all, their nutritional values are very high. 
But, in order to secure sufficient B12 intake, 
vegetarians should take Vitamin B12 supplement. 

A minority of vegetarians who believe in naturalism, 
disagree with IVU and refuse to take supplement. 
They perceive that it is a humiliation to vegetarianism. 

In fact, the need to supplement Vitamin B12, 
does not reflect any loophole in a vegetarian diet. 
Our ancestors in China were mostly vegetarian, 
but they were never lack of Vitamin B12. 

Why is that so? 
The critical points lie in 
organic agriculture and natural living: 

(1) Traditionally, organic agriculture uses 
animal dung as a form of fertilizer. 
These animal dung fertilizers contain bacteria and Vitamin B12 
which can be absorbed by the crops. 

(2) In olden days, no pesticide was used in agriculture, 
the surfaces of vegetables and fruits harbor some bacteria 
which can provide some amount of Vitamin B12. 

(3) Also, in the past, our water sources 
were not contaminated by chemicals, 
bacteria in natural waters provide some Vitamin B12. 

Combining all the above sources of Vitamin B12, 
people in olden time, did not have any issue of Vitamin B12 deficiency. 

Reviewing our modern living, 
- crops nowadays are not fertilized with dung; 
- The surfaces of vegetables and fruits also do not contain bacteria, 
  due to abuse of pesticides. 
- water sources are filtered and spiked with chemicals to sterilize. 

None above could provide any Vitamin B12. 
Therefore, before organic lifestyle is revived, 
we need unusual measure to resolve the problem of 
an unusual era we are living in. 

Taking Vitamin B12 supplement is inevitable, 
to protect our health. 

The disputes that Vitamin B12 bring about, 
reflects merely the issue of 
chemical farming and environmental pollution. 
But under-informed vegetarians often 
sacrifice their health in the course of 
protecting the naturalistic image of vegetarianism. 

By good will,
Kee Yew

{Learning Holistic Wellness for Wisdom and Compassion}

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