Holistic Practice

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Dark Tea as Basic Defence in Unusual Time

Dark Tea
A while ago, I sent some messages to my dear friends,
reminding them 
despite the Cobid crime seems to be easing  
we must not be complacent to continue 
to protect ourselves with daily intake of fermented dark tea. 

The dark tea applies to both
waxed and non waxed individuals, 
as we are being exposed daily varied dosages of 
Spi proteins one way or another.

In other words, 
we are being exposed to elevated level of toxins daily, 
and fermented dark tea can serve as good antidote.
Dark tea neutralises many toxins, 
tames down inflammation, 
inhibits virel replication and
mitigate clottings.


Suggestion on daily dark tea consunmption routine:

Brew in thermal flask
5g(or 2teaspoon) of fermented dark tea leaves 
with boiling hot water 500-1000ml.

Decant from thermoflask and sip hot slowly during the day


Examples of dark teas are:

LiuBao Tea
PuEr Tea 
Earl Grey Tea
English Breakfast Tea

If possible, get organic versions, for long term consumption 
to avoid unnecessary complications from pesticides.


Some important remarks of tea drinking:

*The more aged the dark tea(say above 10years), the higher the potency.

*Do not drink the tea cold, sip hot, pour from thermal flask

*Do not drink near meal time, as dark tea prevents nutrients absorption.

*Avoid drinking tea at late night to avoid affecting sleep among some individuals.


P/s: these engineered Spi proteins and Spi protein harbouring vireses, are capable of:

1. Inducing inflammation (that kick starts many diseases)

2. Lowering immunity of the hosts (aggravating just any diseases)

3. Inducing prion-like diseases that eventually lead to exponential proteins clottings

We should not take the above lightly at all 
as consequences can detrimental down the years. 

But neither we should lock ourselves down again. 
Ultimately, it is our own responsibilities to fortify our own defence, 
not blaming on others passing on the bugs/toxins.

Many blessings to Humanity,
Kee Yew

#dark tea

{Learning Holistic Wellness for Wisdom and Compassion}

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