Holistic Practice

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Life Force Recipe (2) - Longevity Porridge

I spent some quality time with mum
celebrating Mid Autumn in KL last weekend.

A very common scene
how I communicate with mum at home..
is watching cooking show or wellness show on satellite TV together
-- and discussing about the content (some times debate!!)

I was almost falling asleep in the sofa
when my mum woke me up to catch
this program (中华医药) on CCTV Channel
featuring a 93-year-old TCM physician in China.

When asked about his secret to his longevity,
given his hectic schedule and frequent travelling,
Dr Zhu Liang Chun, revealed on this Longevity Porridge that he takes every single day
for the past 60 years!!

The ingredients as shown below are very common grains and herb;
but the combination (invented by himself and his mum, 60yrs ago)
is formulated to support the harmonious interaction among the 5 internal organs.
By harmonizing the 5 internal organs, our health will naturally strengthen.

This very 'secret' recipe of Dr Zhu that
helped him endure a lot of stress and long working hours is a truly simple one:

[1 serving]
.Mung Beans 绿豆 (pre-soaked 8hr) ..................................... 10g
.Lotus Seeds 莲子 (pre-soaked 8hr)  .................................... 10g       
.Barley 薏仁 (pre-soaked 8hr)  ............................................. 10g    
.White Yunnan Biandou 白扁豆 (pre-soaked 8hr) ................. 10g       
.Red Dates 红枣 .................................................................... 6g            
.Wolfberries  枸杞子 ............................................................ 2g         
.HuangQi Herb 黄芪 (pre-soaked 20min) ..............................50g       
.Filtered Water 水 ..................................................................1 bowls 

- Boil HuangQi herb in 1 bowl of water for 15min; collect the water.
- Boil with another bowl of water for 15min, collect the water and combine with the previous.
- Combine Mung beans, Lotus seeds, Barley, Biandou, Red Dates with HuangQi herbal water and bring to boil, before simmering for 40min
- add in Wolfberries and boil for another 10min and serve warm.

Longevity to all,
Kee Yew

p/s: if you read in Chinese, here is an excerpt of the TV program

{Learning Holistic Wellness for Wisdom and Compassion}

1 comment:

  1. I had a chat with Sophia of New Green Pasture n surprisingly found Biandou there! Itz called Lima Beans!
