Holistic Practice

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Animal friendly products

One of the animal welfare organisations that I have been supporting,
The Animal Concerns Research and Education Society (ACRES),
has recently published a Cruelty-Free Pocket Shopping Guide.

Enlisted in the guide are
a range of toiletries, cosmetics and household product brands
that are guaranteed to have not been tested on animals.

The list is not a long one, but it's definitely a good start!

Now, given the choice,
we should support products which come by an ethical path,
being a responsible Earthling :)

With Metta,
Kee Yew

{Learning Holistic Wellness for Wisdom and Compassion}


  1. This is a good idea as it is sometimes difficult to find this information. Even though I am in Canada, not Singapore, I found some products I can buy here. Thanks.

  2. Hi Jen,

    Glad that short list is of any benefit :)

    This booklet simply make me wiser when facing a sea of choices out there :P

    Nice day,
    Kee Yew
