Holistic Practice

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

4 Ways to Build a Good Relationship

Along the years on my Buddhism path,
one of the most impressive teachings that I have learnt
and have reaped the most practical benefits of
the 4 Dharmas of Attraction (四攝法)

This teaching of Buddha
that Boddhisttvas employ to approach and save sentient beings
changes my life.
It improves my relationship with family,
friends and colleagues.
It also facilitates tremendously
my on-going endeavour of public vegetarian education.

The 4 Dharmas of Attraction are:

1. Giving (布施), giving the gift of Dharma or something that people like;
2. Using kind words (愛語);
3. Acting for the purpose of benefit to them (利行);
4. Physically working together with them (同事).

Hope this precious teaching benefits you a great deal too!

Nice day :)
Kee Yew


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