Holistic Practice

Friday, January 8, 2021

Immunity Boosting Is Easy! (2)

Basic hygiene is crucial
to beat viral spread.
Everyday, many of us are watching out 
for the hiking number of Covid19 cases.

But few of us really interpret the statistics
in impartial view 
-- at least we should not be pre-opined 
that rising number is a bad thing

Looking at this graph below,
we see that the fatality 
as a consequence of contraction of Covid19
is less than 2.2% world wide.


[click to enlarge]
(source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1087466/covid19-cases-recoveries-deaths-worldwide/ )

Looking closer to the most recent 50years (in the chart below),
humanity has been invaded by these major viral outbreaks,
which are way more serious than Covid19
but we all survived very well without panic or en masse vaccination.

[click to enlarge]
(https://www.statista.com/statistics/1095129/worldwide-fatality-rate-of-major-virus-outbreaks-in-the-last-50-years/ )

Further, we see, in the following chart,
the fatality+contagiousness of Covid19,
compared to many other major diseases.
Covid19 is not even on par of 
HIV, dengue, malaria, HFMD, bird flu which we are all already too familiar with.

[click to enlarge]
(source:https://www.informationisbeautiful.net/visualizations/the-microbescope-infectious-diseases-in-context/ )

Fighting Covid19 is easier than we all thought!
Because we know by solid data,
its virulence and spreading capacity are 
similar to many other common viruses.

Treating Covid19 should be 
how we usually treat other viral infections:

. Boost immunity via sensible diet and detoxing herbals
. Rest more to recharge our energy
. Drink lots of water
. Patience to go through self healing process  

Seeing the strong statistic,
we should release ourselves from undue panic and fear.
Hope more people now understand that
Covid19 isn't a monster that we are initially mistaken to believe 
by under-informed policy makers.

Many blessings,
Kee Yew

Remarks: Despite that we have proven Covid19 is behaving just like many other common virus, we should still obey rules and regulations in our countries. Social distancing, frequent hand washing and mask-wearing practices are still very crucial to provide other people the sense of security, love and respect.


{Learning Holistic Wellness for Wisdom and Compassion}

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Immunity boosting is easy! (1)

Green chiretta is a
possible Covid19 antidote
Immunity boosting is not as difficult as most people think.
At least it is a lot more easier than racing for vaccination.

Thailand just recently approved 
Green Chiretta (Andrographis Paniculata, 穿心莲/蛇草)
as possible Covid19 antidote.

Earlier, in China, a concoction of detox herbs was officially announced to be 
more than 99% effective in fighting Covid19.

We must first understand that: 

1. Covid19 virus is here to stay, just like all viruses that existed throughout history of Earth. We can choose to face it with fear or with equanimity (with sensible immune-boosting measures)
2. Vaccination is a relatively new technique, in human history, to artificially boost immunity and it has works only for a small handful few viruses. Many viruses have been proven not effectively vaccine-able so far, and those include bird flu, HIV. 

3. Under-informed policy makers put themselves in the illusion that all virus could be tackled by vaccination techniques (and hence, may be offering potentially false hope).

4. During the pursuance of non-warranted vaccines, out of unnecessary fear due to under-education, policy makers may also twists the justification to approve vaccines which are not clinically tested and studied enough to prove safety and long term efficacy. (compared to E.bola vaccine which took over 5years to be developed, HIV vaccines R&D took close to 40years, but to no avail)
5. Already reports are showing vaccines of Covid19 are causing side effects and death, on top of some serious side effects: (search: covid19 vaccine death)

It's much more straight forward to boost immunity via our day-to-day food and herbal remedies.

Here are some recommendations:

1. Take either of:

.ginger mint tea
.ginger lemongrass tea 
.barley water
.roselle tea

daily, to help cleansing of bowel fully. 

A clean bowel will spare energy to boost immune system, especially for the respiratory system.

2. Do intermittent fasting. Suggest taking breakfast at 9am, dinner before 5pm. 

If 5pm dinner is not possible, skip dinner or have only vegetables (no staple) for any dinner after 5pm. 

Do this two days weekly, eg on a weekend.

3. For the next 30days, go fully vegan, plant based diet, without meat, egg, milk, seafood.  

This will remove impurities from our blood, in turn boosting our immunity.

4. Follow G.R.O.W. diet principles daily:

.Grains, pre-soaked overnight eg brown rice, millet, buckwheat, quinoa, barley

.Roots vegetables eg carrot, sweet potato, huai-shan, white radish, beetroot

. Organic, for higher life force

. Wholesome food (avoid refined, polished foods), for better nourishment and life force

5. Do Yoga QiGong, Breathing Exercise or Hand-swinging Exercise, 20min daily to activate the lympathic system.

Skepticism may be there about how effectively the above natural remedies may work, but at least they link to no side effects and death. 

If one does insist to ignore herbal medicine 
that helped mankind to weave through zillions of pandemics 
prior to vaccination era, 
how much premium would one bet 
on a half-baked vaccine for Covid19?  

Next we will discuss how dangerous Covid19 truly is,
compared to others viral diseases. 

All by good will,
Kee Yew 

Disclaimer: this article is meant for mere critical and impartial analysis of our current situation to stimulate thoughts. It is not meant for invalidating current practices mandated by policy makers to fight for Covid19. We should be obedient civilians but also be informed civilians, so that we know how to cushion ourselves from side effects of such practices, lawfully. 

{Learning Holistic Wellness for Wisdom and Compassion}